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Several special characters are allowed, including space, period (.), hyphen (-), apostrophe ('), underscore (_), and the @ sign.
(location must be in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai or Thane)
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Classes Taught
Boards Taught
Select your unique skill, one skill which you consider your biggest advantage over other teachers
Are you capable of teaching students with learning disorders (like ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, etc.)?
Study Aid Used
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)
(1 class is of 1 hour duration)